At Neptune we come at kitchens from a people-first perspective. We ask more about your lifestyle than we do your design preferences, figuring out what role your kitchen is going to play. Will it be a place to cook, gather, work, or all three? Kitchens can be complicated spaces.
So we offer a bespoke service for our kitchen cabinetry where we can make to whatever width, whatever depth, and whatever height you need. That way, we don’t ever have to compromise on the layout you want. We’ll make it work. Our joy is to create a bespoke handmade kitchen to make your life easier.
We’ve created four kitchen collections that have versatility at their core so that we can re-imagine them over and over again to come up with the configuration that’s just right. Currently we offer bespoke options on our Suffolk and Chichester kitchens, but because of its success, we’re looking to expand our carpentry across our entire kitchen portfolio.
Chichester – Our very first kitchen; authentic , homely, timeless; constructed from tulipwood and plywood
Suffolk – Clean lined and quietly elegant; constructed from tulipwood, plywood and oak
Henley – Sophisticated yet demure, a cut above the rest; constructed from oak and plywood
Limehouse – Streamlined, clever and considered; constructed from tulipwood, plywood and oak

Our Bespoke Handmade Kitchens have countless different looks
Our bespoke kitchen design journey starts in our head office in Wiltshire; this is where each of our designs are born and all of our making stories begin. We have a specialist carpentry workshop next to our head office where we inspect, perfect and craft bespoke pieces of cabinetry. A few steps from that are our painting workshops where we carry out custom paint projects and the precision finishing that we’ve become known for. Every Neptune kitchen is special. But each one has a few hidden secrets that make it unique to our other collections. they help to define it and to give each one its own hand-writing.
Hand Crafted Kitchens take a little more time and a lot of love
Our entire kitchen process usually takes two-three months in total. It’s a time-frame that’s fairly standard for handmade crafted kitchens, but a little longer than what some larger businesses might offer. Here’s why – all of our cabinetry is made by real hands. That takes time. Bespoke pieces of cabinetry add on time too. If you’re choosing a paint colour that’s different to the standard finish, this adds on a week or so. And if your ordering appliances through us, that can occasionally add a small delay depending on stock levels.
But… trust us, it will be worth the wait. We design your kitchen specifically for you. Nobody else. Your family, your lifestyle and to your rules.
If you would like to meet with our Kitchen Design Team, please send us your details and we will be happy to set up an appointment. Its never to early to start a design conversation, the sooner we meet you, the sooner we can offer expert advice to help you plan your ideal kitchen